“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” ~Jeremiah 29:13
I heard it loud and clear- His voice.
Though soft- it echoed in my ears like a resounding bell. And I knew.
It wasn’t gradual, but instantaneous- this knowing.
It resonated. And could not be denied.
Ahh, like rushing water that fills the cracks of dry land after a summer drought, this word- this one powerful word- seeped into the crevices of my heart. And like a ton of bricks, it landed with a thud.
Resonating. Refreshing. Reviving.
As if asleep all this time, my soul suddenly awakened.
Pursue- THIS is what I was made for. This is what we are all made for.
Pursue- THIS is what I was made for. This is what we are all made for. #inhotpursuit #pursuingjesus #madeforthis #intention Share on X
Very often when God speaks to my heart, His words hunt me down relentlessly, appearing around every corner, serving as a constant reminder of their significance.
This time was no different.
In an effort to gain my attention, the word pursue, began to “appear” everywhere I went- in my daily devotional, woven throughout scripture, out of the mouth of a friend, over the car radio, and even the television uttered its name.
Never before had I given this single word much thought, but now it seemed it would not let me alone.
The Lord was steadily making me very aware of its importance, and the role it would play in my life during this season.
At the onset of each new year, I always take a moment to reflect upon the previous year- lessons learned, adventures had, memories made.
For me, it’s a necessary aspect of closing one chapter, in order to fully embrace the next.
And there’s a certain beauty in looking back- and reflecting upon the past.
Even the hard, messy, painful experiences that we typically try to avoid revisiting, can give way to deep, spiritual fruit and meaning, IF we let them.
Everyday we are met with new challenges which will help to shape who we become.
We can let those challenges make us bitter- angry, resentful and sour. Or we can allow them to make us better- compassionate, understanding and forgiving.
I had hoped to attain the latter.
This had been a difficult year- a year of unexpected’s- of health scares, broken relationships, betrayal and confusion, heartache and pain.
A year of letting go of the past, and accepting the present.
A year of releasing my plans for the future, and receiving the Lord’s plans instead.
Of exchanging my good, for His best.
Hard work. Soul work. Work I was happy to say goodbye to.
And now I had this word, pursue, sent to entice me. To guide me.
I likened it to a light upon a dark path- pointing me in the direction I was to go.
In order to have a better understanding of its meaning, I took a closer look at its definition.
In the Webster’s dictionary, the word pursue means to hunt, chase and seek.
I guess you could say that this word pursue was in fact pursuing me!
In the original Hebrew text, the word pursue is radaph, which means to follow after.
It’s interesting to note that Jesus repeats the words “follow me” or “pursue me” nearly 25 times in the New Testament.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me.” (Mathew 16:24)
“Sell everything you own and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come and follow me.” (Luke 18:22)
Notice what He DOESN’T say?
He doesn’t tell us to follow after happiness, or fortune or fame.
He doesn’t tell us to pursue position, or acceptance, or even love.
These things, though not all bad, can keep us from pursuing that which truly matters the most- Jesus Himself.
I am convinced that when Jesus invites us to follow Him, He is in fact inviting us into relationship with Himself.
A deeper, more intimate relationship than we’ve previously known.
In essence, He is saying, “Join me. Walk with me. Let’s do life together.”
His desire is to spend time with us- in constant communion- to share His heart with us.
I cannot think of a better example of someone who knew what it meant to pursue Jesus, than King David.
The scriptures tell us that David was a man after God’s own heart. (Acts 13:22)
A man after God’s own heart…
That one- seemingly insignificant word- caught my attention.
As I meditated on it further, it dawned on me that not only was David a man after (according to) God’s own heart- meaning a man whose character closely resembled that of the Lord’s- BUT I’m also convinced that David literally was a man AFTER (in pursuit of) God’s heart!
Wow. What fresh perspective!
David was a man according to God’s heart, because he had spent his entire life pursuing God’s heart.
David was a man according to God's heart, because he had spent his entire life pursuing God's heart. #truth #pursuingjesus Share on XIn light of this revelation, I had to ask myself, WHO or WHAT, was I pursuing?
Sadly, if I were being honest, I had to admit it wasn’t always Jesus.
But it was a new year. And with every new year, comes the opportunity for new beginnings.
Never before had I longed for a fresh, new start as I did in this particular season.
Having a Type A personality, I tend to be an all or nothing girl. My collision with this verb, pursue, would prove to be no different.
“Lord, I’m all yours,” I prayed. “Have your way in me. Let this word- pursue- shape me, transform me, sanctify me, and mold me into the person you intend for me to be.”
True to His character, God did not disappoint.
As I sought to fiercely pursue Him, He was faithful to do a mighty work in me.
In my pursuit of deliverance- He set me FREE from unhealthy mindsets.
In my pursuit of healing- He gave me a new heart.
In my pursuit of peace- He offered me forgiveness.
In my pursuit of purpose- He placed His dream within my heart.
In pursuit of health- He made me whole.
In my pursuit of Him, I was reminded that He was FIRST pursuing me!
In my pursuit of Him, I was reminded that He was FIRST pursuing me! #pursuingjesus #aheartafterhis Share on X
I discovered the Lord’s favor in a whole new way- BUT ONLY AFTER I first sought to pursue Him- making Him first priority in my life. And let me tell you, it is NOT always easy. But it IS always best.
It takes sheer determination and discipline in today’s fast-paced, instant gratification age, to seek Him first- above all else- but the benefits we reap (relationship with Him) make it all worth it.
So, let me ask you friend- are you pursuing God with all your heart, mind and soul?
Or have you forgotten your first love?
The good news is- His grace is enough, and there is always hope for today!
Won’t you join me in becoming a woman who fervently pursues God’s heart?
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added onto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
**Pursue– (if you haven’t guessed)- was my ONE WORD for 2017.
It was the first time I had jumped on the One Word movement, and it wasn’t necessarily by choice. Rather God spoke so clearly to my heart, that I simply could not ignore it.
It proved to be such a transformative experience for me, that I have decided to do it again this year.
I am excited to share what my One Word for 2018 is, next week on the blog!
If you have NO IDEA what I’m talking about- you can read all about the One Word Movement here.**
On Thursday, January 25th, beginning at 9am Pacific Time, I will be hosting my very own Link-Up Party RIGHT HERE on the blog!
This is an exciting opportunity for both fellow bloggers and readers alike!
For my blogger friends– this will be an opportunity for you to showcase your writing among other bloggers and viewers, AND to gain support and encouragement through meaningful, genuine connections.
For my viewers– this is a great way to be introduced to SEVERAL faith bloggers who share inspiring content and helpful resources, ALL UNDER ONE ROOF! What more could you ask for!
With this in mind- don’t forget to mark your calendar for January 25th, and be sure to return here for some linky fun!
While you’re at it- why not Pin the graphic above, to share with your friends!
I’m looking forward to “linking” arms with you!
I’m excited to link-up with these fun places this week!
Moments of Hope, God-Sized Dreams, Grace & Truth, Literacy Musing Mondays, Grace & Arrows, Purposeful Faith, Glimpses, Trekking Thru the Week, Tea and Word Tuesday, Porch Stories, Fierce Hearted, Writer Wednesday, Sitting Among Friends, Tell His Story, Salt & Light, Heart Encouragement, Chasing Community, Tune in Thursday, Quietly Through Thursday, Thankful & Grateful Thursday, Grit Up, Live Free Thursdays, Dance with Jesus, Faith on Fire, Fresh Market Friday, Faith Filled Friday, Faith ‘n Friends.
Beautiful blog post! 2017 was a hard year for me too. A year of unexpected change, wondering where God might be leading me next, and then new life rose. RESURRECTION HOPE! May your 2018 be a year filled with your word “pursuit.” Blessed to be your neighbor at Porch Stories this week.
Ah, I love that- Resurrection Hope! I love that God redeems our stories. <3
Thanks for visiting today!
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Those that seek will find. We would all do well to make pursuing Jesus in all things a priority in 2018 and beyond! Thanks for the relevant reminder!
Yes and Amen! Praying I don’t become complacent in my pursuit of His heart- now or ever.
Blessings to you, Karen!
looking forward to your link party – i suppose you wouldn’t consider a Monday? so many on thursday – but I will pursue you! I love the quote God relentlessly pursues you because all He wanted was to be with you – – let’s see – how can I share that image with you? i’ll figure it out. great post! and word! when we know how much He went out of the way to pursue us, there is no other response than to respond in kind. xx
Thanks Sue! To be honest, I truly did consider a Monday link-up! It makes the most sense in my brain to do it at the start of a new week, HOWEVER, I never seem to get a blog post out by Monday. It’s just too difficult with my schedule. Sigh.
Who knows if maybe I won’t change it to another day somewhere down the road…
Thanks for stopping by today! 🙂 Always a pleasure to hear from you.
Looking forward to the party. May we be more like the David that was AFTER God’s own heart. Beautiful post.
Thanks Debbie! I do hope you’ll join us! 🙂
Hooray for your one word, and for the new linkup! Can’t wait to join you, friend!
Thanks Sarah! Is it weird that I’m both excited AND nervous about the link-up? Lol (Mostly excited, which is why the excitement won over my nerves). Looking forward to you joining! 🙂
My word (for this year) kept coming up in all the places, too. I feel like it “followed me home,” so I had to keep it. haha. 🙂 What a great wrap-up of your 2017 word. Beautiful insights. Thank you for sharing. And, congrats on the linkup! Exciting. 🙂
Haha. I love that, Brenda! 🙂 Thank you for the encouragement!
I just love what you said about David pursuing God. I’ve always had the perspective that His character reflected God, giving him that title. But adding on the fact that he was literally after God’s heart puts such a wonderful perspective on it!
Thanks Emily! It was a game-changer for me too!
Thanks for stopping by!
I love that! “Pursue!” Looking at those follow me or seek me scriptures with the idea to pursue just kind of opens my eyes a little bit more to a deeper understanding there. Thanks so much for sharing and great word for the year! Love that!
Thank you, Laura. It adds a different perspective to the scriptures, doesn’t it? I’m a word-y girl. 😉
True to His character….. oh yes! I love this entire post. It speaks and it moves and it challenges my spirit!
Aw, thank you Beth. Your words bless me today! <3
Pursue is a great word! And I love your thoughts here on what that means with God. I’m hoping you have a great 2018, full of the goodness and truth that come with following Him and pursuing where He’s leading you. Thanks for linking up at #PorchStories.
Thanks Kristin! I’m looking forward to this year! <3
This was SO well said and rang true for me in so many areas. I love where you talked about how relentlessly he pursues us! What a good, good father we serve.
Yes! He is SO good, and His love is relentless!
Thank you for visiting today, and blessing me with your words of encouragement. <3
I love how the Lord pursued you to get you to pursue Him! Looking forward to reading your word for this year and how they are connected! 🙂
It’s a lovely catch 22, isn’t it? 😉 I loved your perspective on the connection between past focus words, in your blog post! It was really good!
Thanks, Rachel! Have a great week! 🙂
I never thought before about how exciting the word pursue could be. I want to always be pursuing Jesus. At least that is my goal, and when I fall short He will forgive and put me back on the path.
Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #TuneInThursday.
Yes, He will! That is my life goal too, Gayl. 🙂
Thanks for visiting today!
Thank you for this lovely read and for this timely reminder that even as we seek Him, He is pursuing us. Knowing that we are so fully loved by God brings such comfort and joy.
I agree, Iz! Thank you for your kind words. May you be blessed in this present year and beyond! <3
I love how God spoke so much to you through your one word “pursue.” I hadn’t chosen a word for 2018, but from reading your post and other things that have been going on these first few weeks of January, I have a word – intentional.
Oh I LOVE the word intentional!!! Although it is not my word for the year- it certainly could be! I “try” to be intentional about everything I do. Especially that which matters most to me. Many blessings to you, as you focus on being intentional this year and beyond! <3
Such a beautifully written post. Jeremiah 29:13 is one of my favorite verses. I love how you shared last year’s word and how the word “pursue” influenced your walk with God. Now I want to know what your word for 2018 is, so I hope to hop on over next week and find out. I’m looking forward to adding your new link-up party to my list. Blessings to you!
Hooray! I look forward to “linking’ arms with you, Valerie! Can’t wait 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
The word pursue was my OneWord a few years ago and it was amazing. I resonated with what you said here because I experienced much of it. It was a sweet year, but more than that, it’s continued. 🙂
Oh, I love how you mentioned it has continued! This is my prayer as well. I don’t want to stop pursuing simply because I have a new focus word. Rather I’d like each new year to add to the last!
Thanks for visiting, Kelly!
Yahesss! Love this, Rachel. Had to stop and read it. The title drew me in!
Thank you for this beautiful post, Rachel. It sums up so many of my feelings.
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