Stress Less Hospitality: Drop the Stress by Doing Less
Stress-Less Hospitality: Drop the Stress by Doing Less. 5 simple ideas that will help you prepare for the arrival of guests without losing your mind! #hospitality #nostress Share on X
I come from a long line of perfectionists. Three generations at least.
My siblings and I have vivid childhood memories of the adults hustling about frantically, in preparation for guests.
Tempers were high, and patience was low.
We tiptoed on pins and needles, afraid to say or do anything that might set them off.
Perfection was the goal.
I recall making a promise to myself that I would NEVER let the anticipation of guests cause me to become so stressed, that I missed the point of hospitality in the first place.
Unfortunately I broke that promise.
My children have their own memories of mom, (aka me), hustling about the house- frantic and impatient- while striving for perfection.
I’m not sure if it’s laziness or wisdom- maybe a little of both– but I no longer allow myself to be so consumed by the need for perfection.
I refuse to let it steal my joy.
Because here’s the thing- people don’t come to our house seeking perfection.
They come to our house seeking presence.
Your friends could care less about the status of your home, the cleanliness of your children, or the appearance of your tablescape.
They care about YOU! Period.
I love the following quote by Shauna Niequist:
“It isn’t about perfection, and it isn’t about performance. You’ll miss the richest moments in life—the sacred moments when we feel God’s grace and presence through the actual faces and hands of the people we love—if you’re too scared or too ashamed to open the door.”
This is a lesson that I am learning slowly and surely. But it doesn’t just happen overnight. It requires intention.
Today, I am sharing a few simple tips I’ve learned along the way, that will help you prepare for the arrival of guests, without losing your mind…
Please join me at Welcome Heart, where I am honored to be guest-writing this week!
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