Ever wondered what your calling is? Your God-given purpose in life?
If you’re like the majority, you’ve probably wrestled with questions concerning the call of God on your life; the one mission that is designed specifically for you.
So many of us struggle through seas of frustration; being tossed to and fro, as we try to identify our true calling. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone say, in utter exasperation, “I just wish I knew what my calling is!” It’s as if all of life’s accomplishments hang on discovering this one truth!
If I knew what my calling was…
…then I could make a difference.
…then I might be worth something.
…then I could really get moving.
…then I would be able to follow God.
…then life would be fulfilling.
The fact is every day presents itself with an opportunity to make a difference. We just need to pay attention.
Here are a few thoughts that might help you navigate through the confusion of discovering your true calling?