I bought my friend, Alan, lunch today.
Alan is 20 years my senior, homeless, and an alcoholic. Yet he is someone that I enjoy spending time with.
He is gentle and kind, with eyes blue as the sea.
There is a certain depth underneath his rough exterior that draws me; entices me to want to peel away the layers.
Alan never remembers my name. (Probably because he is too drunk to recall it). But his name…I cannot shake.
I spent 20mn with him today, and I would have gladly stayed longer, if I could have.
Something about being in his company makes me feel alive.
Strange, you might think, but I don’t think so.
Alan is real. Authentic. Bold.
What you see is what you get.
There is no mask. No facade. No games. He speaks with brutal honesty, no matter how ugly it is.
It is refreshing!