Ever wondered what your calling is? Your God-given purpose in life?
If you’re like the majority, you’ve probably wrestled with questions concerning the call of God on your life; the one mission that is designed specifically for you.
So many of us struggle through seas of frustration; being tossed to and fro, as we try to identify our true calling. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone say, in utter exasperation, “I just wish I knew what my calling is!” It’s as if all of life’s accomplishments hang on discovering this one truth!
If I knew what my calling was…
…then I could make a difference.
…then I might be worth something.
…then I could really get moving.
…then I would be able to follow God.
…then life would be fulfilling.
The fact is every day presents itself with an opportunity to make a difference. We just need to pay attention.
Here are a few thoughts that might help you navigate through the confusion of discovering your true calling?
#1. Called to Love
First, we are ALL called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our soul.
This is God’s call for every individual.
It is not something we can sidestep, in order to get to our “real” calling.
We might think, yeah, yeah, yeah, I already know that.
But the question IS are we living it?
Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. (Matthew 22:37-38)
#2. What’s Your Burden?
Secondly, the call of God begins with a burden.
If you take a look at the lives of previous world-changers (Moses, Esther, Paul, Thomas Jefferson, George Mueller, Martin Luther King, Amy Semple McPherson, Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, etc) you’ll notice that all of these “greats” had something in common; a burden for a particular people or cause.
Jesus too, had a burden.
Matthew 9:36-38 says, “Seeing the people, He (Jesus) felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.’”
Jesus’ burden was for the lost.
In Nehemiah 1:3-4, we read that Nehemiah shared a similar burden for the walls of Jerusalem, and God’s chosen people.
His burden for the people of Israel was so great, that upon hearing of the desolation of the great city, he began to weep.
Nehemiah was so moved with compassion that he fasted and prayed for several days, begging God to hear his prayer.
And you know what? God did.
He answered Nehemiah’s prayer by giving him the desire to BE the answer!
So often this is the case.
The thing that we are called to, might be the very thing staring us right in the face! #discoveryourcalling #whatsyourpassion #nehemiah #calledofgod Share on X
We may see a particular need that ought to be met, or a certain person who simply needs someone to come alongside them, but instead of looking within ourselves and asking “what can I do?” we point a finger and say, “hey, someone needs to come up with an idea to fix that problem.”
Nehemiah, feeling the burden, and praying to God for help, became the answer to go.
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The exciting thing is that God can call us to different things at different seasons in our lives.
As a student in grade school, God might give you a burden for those who are often rejected.
As a young mom, the Lord might give you a burden for single moms who have no help with their littles.
As a man who may have grown up without a father, you may have a burden to be a father to the fatherless.
Maybe you have a heart for the mission field.
Perhaps you are passionate about foster care.
Maybe you have a desire to serve in a battered women’s shelter, or be a sponsor for a recovering drug/alcohol addict.
The key is to find what pulls at your heartstrings.
The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness, and the world's deep hunger meet. ~Frederick Buechner. #truth #whatsyourcalling #nehemiah #calledofgod Share on XMathew 6:21- for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
#3. Expect Opposition
Lastly, don’t be discouraged when you are met with opposition. In fact, expect it.
Did you notice I used the word when?
When the call of God is on your life, don’t think for one minute, that it will be easy. It won’t be.
But don’t let opposition deter you either.
Too often, when what we feel called to becomes a struggle, we have a tendency to think we must not be in the will of God. I beg to differ.
In fact, I might challenge you by saying if what you are called to comes easily, it might not be what you are truly called to after all.
Satan is our adversary. He is fully determined to oppose God’s kingdom work.
In the 4th chapter of Nehemiah we can see that he was met with all sorts of opposition. He was mocked, he was threatened, exhaustion began to set in. They were literally attacked on every side.
It would have been easy for Nehemiah to become discouraged and give up. But that’s not what he did.
Instead, he fought back through prayer, by encouraging the laborers, by setting up watchmen on the walls, and by arming themselves with weapons for the fight.
Rest assured, you WILL be met with opposition, but don’t give in.
Press on.
Draw strength from the truth found in 2 Corinthians 12:9:
God’s grace is sufficient for you; for His power is made perfect through our weakness.
So what is it that God is calling YOU to?
What are you passionate about? What breaks your heart? What gets you all fired up? What consumes your thoughts? What “burden” has the Lord given you?
We ALL have a part to play in the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:14 reminds us:
“Even so, the body is not made up of one part, but of many.”
There is much work to be done. No one person can do it all. It takes a combined effort.
We are all a piece in the puzzle of God’s great masterpiece.
Are you ready and willing to step into the role that God has designated just for you?
Arise. Go. BE the answer!
The world awaits you.
My burden—I actually said “what bothers me” in my ebook—is followers of Christ that are Christians for many years yet no evident spiritual growth in their lives (and that they could care less about it). I hope to help people understand the wonderful love of God and how good it is to surrender to His wisdom. Thanks for this post. Amazing insight!
And a honorable burden it is! May God’s favor rest on you, as you set out to accomplish this praiseworthy call.
Thanks for sharing Kelly. 🙂
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My burden is to help women understand the Bible through studying it inductively. My joy is inductive study and my pleasure is to teach others so they can love studying deep in the Word too.
Those are some wonderful “burdens” to have. And I’ve read your studies- they’re EXCELLENT!! You definitely have a gift to go along with that burden. Praying God uses you to the fullest, and that your burden becomes your joy! 🙂
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