Welcome to the Overcoming Insecurity series! This is a 4 part, weekly series and collaboration of 4 inspiring women, joining together to encourage those of us who wrestle with insecurity.
That’s all of us, right?!
Please join us each Wednesday for our new series!
Insecurity and the GOOD NEWS!
Be Thee Inspired | Milk & Honey Faith | Blue Jean Gypsy
A few years back I found myself on a teeny, tiny island in the north of New Zealand when my world was shaken to the core.
I had arrived one month earlier on the heels of my divorce. Two years prior to that, my only sibling had been murdered.
To say this was one of the most devastating times in my life was an understatement.
The trauma from these two painful situations had triggered deep fear and insecurity such as never before.
The kind of insecurity that had me questioning everything… especially my identity.
Sometimes life can kick the stuffing out of us and the resounding message we begin to hear erodes at the very core of who we are and of our Belovedness.
What do you think of yourself?
How do you feel about yourself?
Do you ever compare yourself with other people?
Have you ever said “I wish I looked like her” or “I wish I could do what you do”?
What or who defines you in the good, the bad and the ugly?
Everyone experiences insecurity at times. I know what’s it’s like to feel inferior to others and insecure about myself.
I grew up in a lonely, unstable and at times, volatile home environment. I never really felt safe and secure throughout my childhood.
If the people responsible for our earliest development teach us that love will be removed when we fail to do what they want or if we disappoint them, lies, inner vows and false identities begin to develop.
For me it was, “I am a disappointment.”
Much of this is done subconsciously.
The message that is often heard is, “Who you are is a problem.” rather than, “You have problems, but they are not who you are.”
This is what is called a shame-based identity. Which can lead to a lot of insecurity.
By the time we’ve reached adulthood, these distorted identities masquerade as the “real me”.
All my efforts and energies were put into trying to avoid disappointing others.
So my performance was geared towards trying to get love and acceptance from a place of not feeling unconditionally loved and accepted.
But that was an impossible feat.
Inevitably, my performance would fail at some level, big or small, and I was going to disappoint people, (confirming the false identity).
Which led me to trying harder, giving up, or worse. It was a terrible, vicious cycle.
And so, I found myself in New Zealand when all that could be shaken was being shaken… so that what truly mattered would take root and remain.
Let me ask you this: if everything in your life disappeared today, what might you discover is “propping” your identity?
What or who defines you?
Today there is so much, both internally and externally, that vie for our identity in a broken, orphaned world far different from that idyllic Garden where humankind walked with Love himself.
Our relationships, our titles, our family roles, our jobs, our ministries, our skills, our education, our callings, our possessions, our bank account, our looks, our sex appeal, our intellect, our degrees, our (fill in the blank) all compete in order to define us.
Who am I?
Actually, the question that needs asking is this:
Who is Father?
Jesus came to reveal the Father to us…that was His life mission.
The Father sent His Son so that we could be brought back home into the most secure place in the universe, His bosom.
Jesus lived His life from the bosom of His Father. That is the life He came to give us.
He came to deliver us from orphan-ness…which is the root of all insecurity.
I will not leave you as orphans… (John 14:18)
He came to reconcile every part of us back to the Father…and so His love seeks to encounter every pocket of orphan-ness within us…even now.
It is in experiencing the Father’s unconditional Love in a way that goes deep down into the very psyche of our being that we are set free from the orphan default of finding security and identity in anything outside of His Love.
It’s in hearing Father call me his Beloved, and in daily claiming who he says I am, that I become who I already am.
I am totally and completely Loved.
There’s nothing I can do or fail to do that can separate me from His Love.
As this reality continues to sink down deep into the core of my being, it sets me free from having to perform and jump through hoops in order to be loved and accepted.
Experiencing the Love of the Father has provided me with a more unshakeable knowledge that He is ALWAYS for me, always…through the good, the bad and the ugly!
When I fail and when I succeed.
When I’m criticized and when I’m praised.
I more easily return to the center and the anchor of his unconditional Love and Acceptance.
Experiencing his Love delivers me from both the blatant and more subtle forms of condemnation that try to seep into the foundation of who He says I am.
Knowing Father loves me every moment is freeing me to be more vulnerable with others and to more readily laugh at myself when I make mistakes.
Receiving his Love is setting me free from the poison of shame and causing me to show compassion toward myself when the “you don’t measure up” messages try to come.
His unconditional Love and Acceptance is bringing me into a deeper security, freedom and joy.
So how do we receive this tangible and transforming Love?
Love is a Person, so there is no formula or method here. But it starts with opening our hearts.
Coming to the Father like a little child and asking Him to help us open our hearts and to receive His love that surpasses knowledge.
The bottom line is this:
Only an artist has the right to name and define his or her creation.
The Artist who dreamed you and I up is the One who ultimately defines us.
And He calls us Beloved.
Everything else is secondary.
And THAT is the Good News!
See how much the Father has loved us! (1 John 3:1)
*The author of this post, wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you for your understanding.*
What about you? Do you see yourself in any part of this message? If so, I have an awesome Resource Bundle for you!!
Whether you are someone who struggles with insecurity on a regular basis, or just every so often, this package will help to set your mind on the things of Christ.
It is fully designed to remind you on a daily basis, of just who HE SAYS you are!!
This bundle is my FREE gift to you, so grab it today, by clicking on the graphic!
Catch Parts One, Two and Three of the Overcoming Insecurity Series now!
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We are linking arms at the #destinationInspiration linkup! If you are a faith writer, we invite you to come share your inspiring message among friends! #linkup Share on X
Love this reminder! I definitely place my identity in my work. Which can be so dangerous in the world of blogging, because it’s so hard to figure out how to succeed by our standards. But I love that last point you made – only God can define who I am, and He calls me beloved!
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You’ve found the key: the first question that needs to be asked is who is the Father? When I remember Who He is and how much He loves me, I can be confident in who I am because He created me.
I love what you said about the Artist! That’s such a great way to think about it.
You know growing up, I always thought I was the only one with those feelings: shame and guilt, insecurity, fear. I’m learning that we all deal with mostly the same emotions. Some of us are just better at dealing or covering them up.
Thank you for a lovely post. Coming to you via the Salt and Light linkup.
Only the artist can name his creation. Wonderful! That brings me so much joy! laurensparks.net
Beautiful thoughts! I have spent a lot of time this past year digging into identity. God continues to teach me who I am and whose I am. I love that these thoughts were shared at #TellHisStory.
It’s so comforting to know that nothing … nothing we do or don’t do … can separate us from His love. He is the one sure Anchor when our world gets rocked to the core.
This is such a beautiful message – so true – only the God who created us can tell us who we are. And we are His, totally loved, His invention. Such amazing security in that. I really hope to pass that on to my sons – to not let people define who they are. They are only people, other humans. God is the only one who has authority to tell us the truth about who we are – and it’s an amazing truth! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing over on Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up. This was a post I wouldn’t want to miss.
Amen and Amen! What good news indeed! Thank you for beautifully sharing your journey with us, and for the powerful reminder that our Master Creator has created us as His masterpieces, so we can be a mouthpiece to others of His unconditional love! Thanks for linking with #BVN!
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