Welcome to our new series:
Cultivating Authentic Connections
This is a 4 week collaboration of inspiring women joining together to talk about the importance of developing authentic relationships in our day to day lives.
Be sure to join us, right here, every Monday!
Welcome Heart | Stacey Pardoe | Down Aspen Lane | Be Thee Inspired
Nurturing Friendships by Following The Spirit
It’s not often that my world comes to a complete standstill at the sight of yellow flowers. However, on this particular Wednesday, it did.
With dishes piled high in the sink, and the aroma of our evening meal still in the air, I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang.
Ding! Dong!
Wiping my hands on my apron, I made my way to the front door and peered out the peep hole. The sight of soft yellow flower petals startled me.
“Who in the world is bringing me flowers?” I wondered aloud, unlocking the door and opening it with anticipation.
Standing on the porch was a friend I hadn’t talked to in months. Caroline. A young mom with six children and a very busy schedule.
“Hey there!” she said nonchalantly, “I haven’t seen you in a while so I thought I’d stop by and say hi.”
“Really?” I asked, feeling a bit bewildered, “and you brought me flowers, too?” I smiled broadly as she nodded and handed the vase of “yellow sunshine” to me.
“Thank you, Caroline!” I gushed, still trying to make sense of this pleasant surprise. “Would you like to come in and visit for a few minutes?” I asked, certain that she would say no. After all, she had a houseful of children at home who were likely missing her terribly.
“Sure,” she said without hesitation.
“Oh, wonderful!” I replied, grateful for this unexpected opportunity to visit with a friend.
Making our way into the living room, I set the vase of flowers on the coffee table, and we settled in on the couch. The conversation was vague at first. “How are you? How is your family? How are things going?” But before long we found ourselves talking about “real” issues: school, challenges with our children, relationship difficulties with friends and family, our fears, and our faith in God—you know, the issues of which life is made.
She talked and I listened. Then I talked and she listened. Who knew that talking with someone who cared was exactly what I needed in the moment? Somehow, she did.
Sometimes, simply talking with someone who cares can make all the difference in the world. #friendship #community @downaspenlane Share on X
“Caroline, what made you come over to my house tonight,” I finally asked, genuinely desiring to know the reason for her unselfish act. “I mean, you’re a busy mom, and you just spent two hours in my home. Why? What made you do it?”
She looked at me with wide eyes. “Well, last week you kept coming to mind,” she said thoughtfully. “I kept thinking, ‘I haven’t seen Carri in a while. I should stop by for a visit,‘ but I kept pushing the thought from my mind.
Then today, the thought came again, only more powerfully this time. It said, ‘Leave your kids with your husband, buy Carri some flowers, and go visit her.’
The prompting was so strong that I couldn’t ignore it this time. I explained the situation to my husband and asked if he would watch the children. Then I bought some flowers at the store, and here I am.”
She paused, looking a bit uncomfortable, and then continued, “To be honest, it felt awkward standing on your doorstep with flowers. I had no idea what I was going to say to you when you opened the door. I just knew that I needed to come to your house with flowers.”
She stopped talking and looked at me expectantly.
“Did you know that flowers are my absolute favorite thing to receive from someone? I asked, my voice soft and low.
“No,” she said, looking surprised.
“Well, they are,” I said with a grateful smile.
Feeling emotional, I thought about the power of promptings–the blessings that come from listening to and heeding the inner voice we each have inside—the voice that Rachel Macy Stafford refers to in her book, Hands Free Mama, as “the callings of the heart”.
I reflected on a time several months ago when I had followed through with an impression to give yellow flowers to a stranger in a parking lot, and how much that experience affected me.
Now, I was the recipient of such an act.
The Holy Spirit speaks to us in promptings, and helps us better connect to those around us. IF we listen. #friendship #connection @downaspenlane Share on X
As the evening wore on, Caroline and I concluded our heartfelt discussion with a hug—the kind of hug that occurs when true connection has taken place between two individuals.
Caroline had ministered to me in a bold way, and I was so grateful. She reminded me what it means to be a true disciple of Christ, for she ministered as Christ did when He was on the earth—reaching out to the one, acting on inspiration, and nurturing friendships—with little thought for herself.
It’s been said that the best evidence of our adoration of Jesus is our emulation of Him.
That night, Caroline’s adoration of Jesus shone through, for she emulated Him well.
“And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us.” Ephesians 5:2
Life can be chaotic, but when we leave margin in our lives, we open the way to receive guidance from that inner voice—inspiration from a higher power that will lead us to bless the lives of those around us in simple yet profound ways.
We have but to listen to and act upon those promptings.
Today, I invite you to join me in listening to that inner voice, to the ‘callings of our hearts’, that are urging us to reach out and minister in BOLD new ways.
The world is in need of more evidence of our adoration of Jesus.
The best evidence of our adoration of Jesus is our emulation of Him. BE that evidence! #friendship #adoration @downaspenlane Share on X
If you feel an increased urgency in your life to minister to others as Jesus did, I invite you to visit my blog where I share stories and experiences of people just like you who are doing exactly that—listening to that inner voice, and ministering to others in bold and life-changing ways.
The yellow flowers are optional. 😉
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Did you miss the rest of the series? Be sure to catch it right here!
Part 1: Do You Have People? | Part 2: How to Meet Others in their Brokenness
Meet Carri Mason
@Down Aspen Lane
Carri Mason is passionate about cultivating community in her home, neighborhood, and around the world.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her children; reading biographies; writing personal essays; and, in her moments of weakness, eating yet another piece of fudge. (Ask her for the recipe!)
Learn more about her adventures with cultivating community at www.downaspenlane.com.
Connect with Carri!
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Beautiful post! Sharing on Twitter and Pinterest.
It’s so important to pay attention to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Obedience to that voice was the catalyst to nurturing a friendship. Beautiful!
Over the weekend, I was at a women’s conference at my church when we took a break for lunch. Over 2,000 women attended yet I found myself headed to lunch solo. I was about to exit the church through one exit when a prompting said, go to the other exit. It was there that I saw a woman plop down on a bench. She too had just left the conference by herself for lunch. I walked over to her and said, you’re by yourself? She said yes. I grabbed her hand and said, I’m by myself too. Come with me. We went to lunch together and I shared my lunch with her. I made a big salad before I left home with the intention of eating it all; some for lunch and some for later. I also sliced up a big apple. There was more than enough to share with her. We had a good time at lunch filled with a lot of laughs. She couldn’t believe I pulled her up off the bench. We even met up for church on Sunday. I have been begging God for a local Christian girlfriend. Maybe she’s his answer.
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8.
Yvonne, I LOVE this!! Thank you for sharing!
We truly are better together, and when we listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, He can guide us in ways that are powerful!!
I love that you chose to listen and obey! What a gift you were to that woman that day, and I’m praying, alongside you, that she will be the gift that you need as well!
Beautiful story! ❤️
What a wonderful story, Yvonne! And you met up for church on Sunday? Wow! God sure does work in mysterious ways. I’m so glad you listened and acted on HIs prompting AND shared the entire experience with us! We need to hear more of these feel-good stories.
Carri, this is such a beautiful and heartfelt story. It really touched me today. Praying that we will all listen for the prompting of the Holy Spirit and be a blessing in someone’s life. Many blessings to you!
Thank you, Connie!
You know this is very true and it is important to obey that unction. I pray for people all the time but yesterday as I prayed for someone the Holy Spirit was emphatic for me to tell a parent that the Lord was ready to set their son free of PTSD, how they receive it is up to them.
Blessings to you, Rebecca!
I love the fact that all we need to do is show up and be genuine, and everything else will take care of itself. Real relationships are vital for feeling truly connected and healthy in life.
Absolutely Susan! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
How wonderful! I completely understand the desire to simply sit down with a friend and talk. Life is so busy, but I need to begin listening more the Spirit’s guidance when it comes to showering friends with some love!
It takes time, but it is so worth it, Emily! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
You’ve challenged me to leave the margin I need to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and be courageous in stepping out in faith, even when it’s a little inconvenient. Thanks for sharing your story.
Your comment made my heart happy, Christine! Blessings to you and yours!
Really wonderful story, and beautifully told. It gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. I love how the Lord works!
Thank you, Stephanie! Isn’t it amazing how the Lord works?!
Wow, this is the second message like this I received today. I started my day listening to Francis Chan and not your beautiful post as I end my day. I think God has a message. I am getting ready to add more margin to my schedule as I take things off. Struggling with the emotions of taking something off I love yet I hear God clearly say it. I wonder what he has in mind and I can’t wait to figure it out.
I love your optimism, Maree! Thanks so much for sharing your desire to create more margin in your life.
Pinned and tweeted this wonderful post! It’s so instructive to me to read about the way your friend listened to the promptings of God and just showed up. I want to be that kind of friend, and it’s so easy for us to forget that God wants to be part of all aspects of our lives, including friendship.
Aren’t the promptings of God the most incredible blessings ever?! How blessed we are! Thank you for sharing this experience with others, Michele!
I was tearing up reading this, Carri. Another reminder of how much we need authentic friendships and yes, that we should listen to that still small voice. We’re always blessed when we do.
Thanks for sharing.
Authentic friendships and the still small voice—two of our most precious gifts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Marva!
This is such an insightful read! I’m sure so many of us struggle with forming friendships, especially when we come to Christ. I just know that these words are going to help so many!
Authentic friendships and the still small voice—two of our most precious gifts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Marva!
Thank you, Kimberly! And you’re right…forming friendships can be a struggle for so many…
What a great example your friend showed of listening to the Spirit and obeying! I’m trying to do that whenever I think of it and have been on the receiving end lately- like when several friends call and ask to pray with me on the same day?! Great encouragement to be obedient and leave those margins.
Thank you, Jennifer!
Love this article on authentic relationships and the story of how Caroline modeled it. This is a powerful thought, “The Holy Spirit speaks to us in promptings, and helps us better connect to those around us. IF we listen.” Yes, “if” we listen. I so desire to be Jesus with skin to others in a real friendship and connection. Thank you, Carri.
“IF we listen.” So true! Thank you, Karen!
This is such a beautiful story of how God works in nurturing our friendships! I we are focused on Him we are more ready to hear those promptings. When we follow through, we are often blessed richly. Thanks for sharing! Blessings to you!
Thank you, Gayl!
Just perfect! What a beautiful, life-giving thing to spend time with a friend. Sharing this with others today. laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren!
Beautiful story! God has divine appointments for us if we are willing and obedient!
And what a beautiful thing those divine appointments are, right?! I don’t want to miss a single one. Thanks, Kelly!
Thanks for sharing, Carri. When we follow God’s leading we could never imagine all the places He’d take us! Blessings to you.
Thank you, Boma!
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