Welcome to the Overcoming Insecurity series! This is a 4 part, weekly series and collaboration of 4 inspiring women, joining together to encourage those of us who wrestle with insecurity.
That’s all of us, right?!
Please join us each Wednesday for our new series!
Nailing Insecurity to the Cross, Once and For All
Be Thee Inspired | Milk & Honey Faith | Blue Jean Gypsy | Beauty in My Brokenness
The hard stuff.
You know those insecurities we don’t like to talk about?
The ones we push down and want to forget?
The ones that follow us and we don’t want to let the world know about?
That is often the insecurity we need the most freedom from.
Now, I could give you a list of my insecurities, but there is one that is a little harder to put out there than any other.
A little harder, for me, to place in front of the world. And that’s how I knew this was what I was supposed to write about for this series.
Because it holds me back.
Holds me back from kingdom work, from stepping into my calling, from stepping out of my comfort zone. And just maybe I am not the only one who needs freedom from this type of insecurity…
It was true. I had lost my faith.
I had suffered a trauma, and I was angry, and I ran.
Ran from the pain.
Ran from hope.
Ran from God.
And years later?
I ran back to His good and open arms that had never stopped waiting for me.
A year and a half ago, someone from my past threw this fact in my face as a means to hurt me. They told me they did not believe I had any faith now because I had run in the past.
They told me my faith was a lie.
I’d like to write that those words didn’t bother me. Or that the countless words that followed didn’t hurt either.
But they did.
I’d like to say those words didn’t plant seeds of insecurity in my faith and in my calling.
But they did.
I stood tall and faced them with as much grace as I could muster at the time, but after? That seed turned into a sprout of insecurity – telling me my faith was not good enough. It was tainted and wasn’t genuine.
Roots started to grow in the wrong direction.
I started to question if my past was too big (or my faith too small) for the calling placed in front of me.
Doubt was planted whether my words could give hope, whether I was right for the task, whether I was worthy of the work, and even if my faith was strong enough to face the potential trials ahead.
Those roots were about to spread towards more insecurity in my calling, rather than who I am in Christ and what God can do.
But in this season, the cross shone ever before me.
Instead of losing faith, instead of running, instead of depending on me and letting those insecurities take over…l looked to GOD.
I RAN to the cross and looked up to the light shining out from it.
I began to spread my roots toward Christ, instead of the insecurity that offered nothing – the insecurity the enemy wanted to use to soak up my Christ-established identity and stop me from saying “yes” to the work God was calling me to.
And you know what? It was in this season that my faith was strengthened, and I felt God’s faithfulness overwhelmingly.
It was those same words that tried to bury me with insecurity that really sparked me to dig deeper into my faith.
It is out of that season that I began to write more intentionally. That I said yes with a renewed fervor. And it is out of that season that I truly accepted the calling placed in front of me.
“For it is God who works in you to his will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13, NIV
No matter what type of calling it is, when we put our heart out there, insecurity can set in. We may even be scrutinized. Maybe judged. Perhaps disagreed with. But that’s ok. Don’t let insecurity stop you. Jesus said these things may happen.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33, NIV
Each of those trials is an opportunity to depend on Christ.
Each of those opportunities give us a chance to dig our roots deeper in a secure identity as a child of God.
And now each time that insecurity creeps in? I know where to nail it.
There is a cross ever before me. And each time I feel like giving up, each time I think I am not enough, each time I worry that my past is greater than my future, each time I feel that insecurity try to hook me in…. I take that insecurity and I nail it to the cross where it belongs.
Because for a moment I may forget, but ultimately, I know that Jesus…
Welcomes back the lost.
Covers our sins.
Turns ashes into beauty.
Uses what has hurt us for good and for His Glory.
And He equips us!
If you are thinking you are not worthy of your calling….think again. God knows what He is doing. He called you for a reason and He doesn’t make mistakes. And He will lead you, and equip you. All for His good purpose.
“May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen” Hebrews 13:21, NLT
May we all nail our insecurities at the cross each time they start to creep in, and then watch with expectation, the work He will do in each of us.
What about you? Do you see yourself in any part of this message? If so, I have an awesome Resource Bundle for you!!
Whether you are someone who struggles with insecurity on a regular basis, or just every so often, this package will help to set your mind on the things of Christ.
It is fully designed to remind you on a daily basis, of just who HE SAYS you are!!
This bundle is my FREE gift to you, so grab it today, by clicking on the graphic!
Catch Part One and Two of the series!
Meet Elizabeth Nejedlo- The Blue Jean Gypsy!
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Oh yes! When those insecurities creep in, Elizabeth, we sure do have a weapon to defeat them–nailing them to the cross! So inspirational! Thank you, friend, and I’ll be sharing! Thanks also to Rachel for highlighting you today!
Thank you, Beth! The best weapon there is! May we always remember to use it! Humbled and blessed to be a part of this amazing series Rachel has put together! Blessings!
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Elizabeth, thank you for this and for Heb. 13:21. Just what I needed.
All glory to God! So happy to hear it moved you! Blessings!
It never ceases to amaze me what people will say, even fellow Christians, who are being Christ like. I’m not saying I never said anything wrong or hurt anyone, but never purposefully, intentional or being cruel.
Words can be so hurtful, can’t they Rebecca? I’m certainly not perfect, but it is always my prayer to speak with kindness and lift others up! Sounds like you try to do the same! Many blessings to you!
Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your story as a reminder that we need to continually stay on top of this fight against insecurity. There are ten thousand false messages crowding into our brains every day, and the only way to resist the error is to stay close to the Truth!
I’m so thankful for God’s grace and His forgiveness. We would all be far from Him if He didn’t open His arms to us each time we ran!
Such a battle. The accuser can use careless words and misunderstandings to dismantle us. Forge on, friend. Thanks for the encouragement. laurensparks.net
“And now each time that insecurity creeps in? I know where to nail it.
There is a cross ever before me.” Amen.
I really appreciated this post.
Great victory post Elizabeth!
The enemy doesn’t have a chance when we point to the open tomb!
You’re most welcome to do by for a cuppa!
What a beautiful encouragement to us all. Someone planted a word seed with me a week or so ago. It was a different kind of bad seed, but a damaging one, as well. I don’t know what her motive was, but it made me doubt a friend’s integrity, at least for a moment. I really don’t know what the truth is, but God does and I know I can trust him no matter what. In the end, it has challenged my thoughts toward the seed-planter. So I know I need to pray and love her even more. But I will also be wiser and more careful around her.
Well done Elizabeth. Thank you for your openness and honesty here. May God continue to strengthen your faith as you continue to develop your relationship with Him. Thank you for sharing this inspirational post Rachel. I hope both you ladies have a wonderful weekend and God bless,
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Elizabeth! Insecurity is a constant struggle for me … but you’re so right, knowing where to run when it rears its ugly head is huge. Each time I run to Jesus, He reminds me that I am secure in Him. What an awesome and amazing blessing!
Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth. Words can be so wounding—but they can also be used to edify. I’m sure the person who questioned your faith never dreamed it would result in you encouraging many women on the internet! Nailing our insecurities to the cross—oh, I love this! Stopping by from #SittingAmongFriends
Sometimes I forget that my only true security is in Him. I wish I didn’t do that, but I do. It brings back the pain of past rejections. But when I dwell in Him like I should, He reminds me that He is my everything, my solid foundation, the only One who will never fail me.
Thanks for this great reminder to find my security in Him alone and that what was meant against me for evil, God can and will turn around for much good!
Beautiful testimony and words of wisdom, Elizabeth! I’m all for the freedom from what holds us back. Lovely to meet you!
As someone that struggles with insecurity, I really enjoyed reading this, Elizabeth. I just have this image in my mind of being at the cross hammering my insecurities to it and then leaving them behind. Thank you for sharing.
So much good truth here! I’ve had people remind me of my past, too. I think it comes from jealousy. Jealousy makes people do and say some crazy things. I have found, though, because I understand how it feels to be reminded of my past, I build people up in other areas all the more.
Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth!
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