Hello. My name is Rachel, and I’m a comparison addict.
While this may not be the most flattering introduction to lead with- for many, MANY years- it’s where I’ve lived.
The struggle of comparing myself with others is real.
Can you relate? Have you ever succumbed to the comparison game?
Imagine for a minute that a friend of yours is promoted to the EXACT position that you’ve longed for. Dreamed of even. And she calls to tell you all about it.
Deep down, you want to be happy for her, and truthfully you are. It’s not that you don’t want her to succeed, or reach her goals and live her dream.
The problem is- you want that too!
And if we’re being REALLY honest- maybe we want that first!
And so outwardly you celebrate with her. You tell her job well done. You send her a text telling her how happy you are for her. You “like” all of her Facebook posts where she shares about her new and exciting adventure.
But inwardly….. inwardly, you’re drowning. Sinking in bitter sands of comparison.
“When will it be MY turn?” you ask yourself. “Why can’t I have what she has?” “Will I ever get MY big break?”
To make matters worse, you KNOW how shallow you sound!
You KNOW this is not godly behavior!
And so now, on top of the already ugly competition mound that’s beginning to build before your very eyes, you instantly feel guilty for ever feeling this way in the first place!
And guess what? Satan LOVES it!
“Now, she’s playing my game,” he sneers.
Before long, you’re entertaining lies straight from the pit of hell.
I’m such a loser.
I’ll never amount to anything.
I’ve squandered my one and only chance at success- I’ll never be given another one.
She deserves that promotion more than I do anyway- she’s more talented, more likeable, more capable- not to mention smarter, wittier, and prettier.
Why would God ever want to use me anyhow? I’m clearly a horrible person.
And on and on it goes…
Did someone place an order of guilt with a side of shame?
Yes please!
A double scoop of pride?
If you insist. Just heap it right on top.
A Venti Iced Mocha with a triple shot of condemnation?
Gulp, gulp, gulp.
I don’t know of one person who hasn’t fallen privy to the comparison game, at one time or another.
I find that we most often make comparisons in one of these 5 categories:
- Success- We compare prosperity, corporate success, ministry reach, and influence.
- Home life- We compare family dynamics, size, parenting style, and marriage.
- Body- We compare our weight, shape, size, and overall appearance.
- Possessions- We compare the sizes of our house, cars, bank accounts, and wardrobes.
- Spirituality- We compare our calling, amount of faith, biblical knowledge, and level of joy.
Friends, comparing ourselves to others will deplete us. It will rob us of the joy set before us today and starve us of the hope of a better tomorrow.
Comparison will rob us of the joy set before us today and starve us of the hope of a better tomorrow. #comparisonisathief #satanisaliar Share on X
Comparison is rooted in dissatisfaction and leads to ingratitude and envy.
So the question is, how do we combat the comparison game?
Conveniently enough, I just happened to be reading in John chapter 4 the other day, when I came across a particular verse that seemed to jump off the page and scream, “pay attention to me!”
You know what I’m talking about, right? We’ve all had those “lightbulb” moments.
In this verse, shortly after Jesus confronts the woman at the well, referring to Himself as the fount of living water- the only fount that quenches the dissatisfied soul– He is quoted saying the following:
“My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing His work. (John 4:34)
That word, nourishment, stood out to me as being significant.
First Jesus refers to Himself as a refreshing beverage that satisfies the weary soul.
Later, He shares where His sustenance comes from- in doing the will of God.
These foodie words got me thinking…if we want to starve the sin of comparison in our lives, we’ve got to feed our spirit with the truth of God’s Word.
If we want to starve the sin of comparison in our lives, we've got to feed our spirit with the truth of God's Word. #comparison #godsword #truth Share on X
What does God’s Word say about us? I’m glad you asked.
We are a Work of Art
His Masterpiece- “For we are God’s masterpiece…” (Eph 2:10)
Wonderfully Made- “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)
His Reflection- “So God created mankind in his own image…” (Gen. 1:27)
A Temple- “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you.” (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Beautiful- “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” (Sol. 4:7)
We are Valuable
The Apple of His Eye- “He encircled (her), he cared for (her), he kept (her) as the apple of His eye.” (Dt 32:10)
Priceless- “She is worth far more than rubies.” (Prov. 31:10)
Royalty- “You will be a crown of splendor in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” (Is. 62:3)
Special- “Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:31)
Chosen- “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9)
We are Created with Purpose
Called- “…Created to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph. 2:10)
Appointed- “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you” (John 15:16).
Equipped- “He will equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Hebrews 13:21)
Ambassadors– “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Destined- “I am not destined for stumbling or destruction. I have a noble purpose and a hope.” (I Peter 2:8-9)
We are SO Loved
Noticed– “You are the God who sees me.” (Gen 16:13)
His Beloved- “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” (Song of Songs 6:3)
Pursued- “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.” (Jeremiah 31:3)
Protected- “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” (Ps. 46:5)
Cared For- “I am precious to God and He will take care of me.” (Matthew 6:25-44)
Beloved, we must eat the words of truth if we are to successfully combat the vile taste of comparison in our lives.
You are created on purpose- for a purpose.
There is work for us to do, but we will only succeed when we stop comparing our lives with others, and fully embrace the life God has for us, today.
May we be reminded of our worth, as we feed on the promises of God.
“God has filled my life with good things. I can trust Him to satisfy me.” (Psalm 103:1-5)
Are you ready to overcome the sin of comparison in YOUR life?
Grab your free gift below today and start speaking the Word of God over your life!
And now for our featured writer!
Meet Jen Avellaneda
Jen’s post is both convicting and inspiring! Filled with such bold, rich truth.
I had such a difficult time picking just one quote to feature here, because every word was worth mentioning! Trust me- you WANT to read this!
Please take a moment to hop on over to Jen’s inspiring blog site, and send her some love! <3
Thank you Jen, for sharing your words with us! Feel free to grab your “featured” button here, if you like. 🙂
Let's link arms by linking up! Join us for the weekly christian linkup. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and settle in to read some wonderfully inspiring posts. Why not linkup YOUR inspiring post while you're at it!… Share on X
Rachel this was really, really good. Normally long blogs scare me off but I did read every word and my take-away? “NOW YOU’RE PLAYING MY GAME,” says Satan. I have never thought of it that way but man, light bulb moment. Excellent post. I’m sharing everywhere . xo
Susan, thank you for your kind words this morning! I literally laughed out loud at your comment about long blog posts! I don’t think I’ve ever written a short one! Lol Thanks for hanging in there until the end. 😉 I appreciate your support!
this is the best spell caster i know He cast spells for different purposes like(1) If you want your ex back.
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Beautiful post! Every woman needs to read this one! Thanks for digging into the Word and bringing this truth to light! What a blessing!
Thank you Stacey! What a blessing your words are to me today!
Glad you came to visit! <3
Thanks for this post on comparison. It is so true – we ALL do it! I liked the two different food analogies for feeding our comparison vs. finding nourishment in Christ. I think those will stick with me for awhile. Your neighbor #42 on Holley’s linkup.
Bethany, Yes- we do ALL do it! (Unfortunately). But the more we bring it into the light, the better chance we have at beating it!
Thanks for stopping by today! 🙂
Excellent, my friend. You know you should write a talk on this (right now) and offer it to your women’s group. You have enough material above – plus hand out’s and Scripture. Just add a few stories and get them in two’s to discuss two questions, end with an action-point, and boom! What a blessing bc this is a universal topic and sin! I still struggle with it – so dumb.
Thanks Sue! You’re always such a great encourager! Great suggestion too! I think we all struggle…:/
Appreciate your thoughts this morning! Bless you! ((Hugs))
Yes, yes, and YES! So good! Love these affirmations!
Thanks Liz! Glad it spoke to you. 🙂 SO happy to connect with you!
Thank you for this! I think comparison is something we all deal with from time to time. Solid Scriptural encouragement to help us overcome it!
Yes, I totally agree! Wish it weren’t so…
Thanks for the kind encouragement today, Julie! 🙂
A welcome message at any stage! It sure isn’t a “won and done’ battle, is it? Thank you for realigning our minds with God’s truth here in such a sweet way
Thank you Christa! Your words bless me today. And no, it’s not usually a won and done deal. I like how you worded that!
Thanks for stopping by today! Blessings!
I’ve always liked Ann Voskamp’s quote “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
Love Ann Voskamp! <3
I keep seeing posts and messages about comparison lately – either this must be a universal problem, or a particular lesson the Lord is wanting to teach me (or probably both). Thanks for this encouragement to keep our minds on truth to fight off these sinister temptations!
You bet! 🙂
Hi, Rachel! I’ve ruined a good many days playing the comparison game, squandering my enjoyment of the given by pining for something that God has not seen fit to grant. Thanks for words that invite us to trust in His plan.
You and me both, Michele! Btw- I LOVED your article on Sarah Koontz’ blog the other day! How fun to see you there! Such great and helpful suggestions given! 🙂
Great post, Rachel! And such wonderful versus you shared with us too! They are wonderful to look back on whenever comparison wants to overtake us.
Thanks Kelly! That’s exactly why I compiled them all on one page- for ME to return to as often as needed! 😉
Ugh, I can very much relate to this. I love your point that if we want to starve sin, we must find nourishment in Christ. It’s so easy to think we just need to stop doing the sin we’re doing. But if something is removed, something else needs to take its place. I’m thankful God gave you this insight to share with us. 🙂
Yes! You’re absolutely right, Emily! If we remove something w/o replacing it with something else- there is just a void that remains. Not good. Great point! Thanks for stopping by today! <3
This is my first visit to your site Rachel. I must say…wow! Such powerful and biblical words of encouragement you’ve shared here. I know for me, comparison is something I battle, especially when you put yourself out there for the world to see. I like what you shared about how easy it is to fall into the downward spiral of condemnation, doubt, fear, and selfishness. May we always guard our hearts and minds-filling them with the truths of God’s word and trusting His purpose for our lives. Visiting today via Crystal Storms’ #HeartEncouragement
Thanks Horace! Nice to have you visit my little corner of the world wide web this morning! 😉
It’s so important to stand guard over our heart’s isn’t it?! The minute we let it down, is the instant satan attacks.
Praying right along with you!
Rachel, sadly I’m right there with you in playing comparisons. Just this past weekend, it all came to a head and through God’s gentle promptings, I realised that I’d taken my eyes off of Christ. Instead, I was busily looking at what everyone one else was doing. I’ve been inspired to go back to the basics of my relationship with God and these affirmations are perfect reminders of who I am in Christ. Thanks so much for sharing them!
Wishing you blessings.
Marva, I caught your lovely blog post this morning too, and thought to myself, “we could have paired up this week!”
Thanks for your transparency. I know that we are not alone. It’s frustrating though, isn’t it? Keeping our eyes on Christ is essential!
So glad you stopped by today! I’ll be lifting you up, sister. <3
I did that too. I wanted other to people to have and I just wanted what He wanted me to have. The Holy Spirit stopped the questioning one day, with the reminder that I was not in competition but in Christ. If I see book deals or whatever, I congratulate them and mean it. I comment on blogs, encourage everyone I can. I don’t like his mind games! I have a Pinterest board Affirmations of Faith, I will add some of these.
“Not in competition- but in Christ.” Exactly! Thanks Rebecca!
What a rich post! I hate comparison and would never allow my children to compare themselves, or our parenting, etc. Yet, my mind goes there…. Thanks for the insight and weapons to fight!
It’s funny what we don’t allow our kids to do, but we still somehow manage to do ourselves, isn’t it? Sometimes I will hear myself reprimanding my children for certain behavior, but then suddenly realize that I do those very same things.
Thanks for the encouragement today Char! 🙂
Rachel what a great subject! I can relate so well to your words and your insight on how to starve comparisons and feed our souls was powerful! Thank you for this!
Thanks Gretchen! <3
Ew Rachel you hit the nail on the head. This one used to get me a lot, it has taken a lot of time to dial it back and let God have his place in my heart with this area. Supporting one another and being an encouragement is one of the ways I have found works to douse water on a lit fire. Your post is so full and wonderful,…love the image too!
Supporting and encouraging one another towards greatness and individuality is so important. Cultivating community and sisterhood is my passion! I have spent way too much time drowning in insecurity, and wasting the God-given gifts He has given me. If I can help others to walk in their specific calling, and embrace who they were created to be, that would make me so happy!
Thank you for your kind encouragement Meghan! 🙂
Rachel – this is so good! In fact your post was the top clicked post over at #TuneInThursday last week and I am giving a shout out to you tomorrow on the blog. Also, how did I not know you are doing a Linkup ??? I tell ya, this season has been a crazy one and I feel so out of the loop, but now that the book project is finished and in the final stages, I plan to get back into my regular routine of things. I plan to join you tomorrow and linkup with you. Blessings and congratulations!
Debbie, no worries. It’s easy to get lost in the blogosphere. 😉 Thanks for the feature this morning. I look forward to you linking up here on Thursdays!
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