Guest Post by Becky Beresford
Have You Suffered the Deep Wounds of Church Hurt?
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8
Few cuts run deeper than family wounds. I would know.
I locked myself in the closet this morning, bawling because I needed a few moments with Jesus. These moments weren’t fluffy. They were honest, raw and real. I have no problem laying it out there for God, so I asked Him a simple but loaded question. Why do our people, the ones who make up our tribe, often cause the most damage?
Why do those who promise to stand by our side and support us instead speak harsh words, forget to listen or decide to walk away?
At the time, I was talking to God about my family and a set of relatives who recently chose to cut ties. And while I wanted to defend myself against accusations and the false narrative they were believing, I decided to do the harder thing. I shut my mouth and leaned fully into God. Holding out my heart, tattered and scarred, I asked Him to take care of it once more.
I had been here before. Except this time, it wasn’t with my family. It was with God’s… found deep within the walls of our old church.
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