I was both horrified and heartbroken to hear of yet another school shooting at a high school this past week. Along with the rest of the world.
Now, days later, I still can’t seem to put my thoughts to rest. My heart aches for the families of those that so tragically lost their lives on that fateful day. Suddenly. Instantly. Unexpectedly.
Lives shattered in an instant. Without warning. Here one day- gone the next. Forever.
My thoughts immediately turned toward my own children who, for the first time, are all attending a public school themselves this year. And I question, “did we make the right decision to not homeschool?”
I admit- my immediate response is fear. I have a sudden urge to want to pull my kids out of school, and keep them sheltered under the protection of our home, where I can keep close watch over them.
Where they are shielded from the violence that much-too-often penetrates our schools.
Where I can ensure that they will be kept safe from harm.
I can’t help but think of the parents of those children who couldn’t have possibly known that THAT day would be their last.
My heart wonders, did they make sure to kiss them goodbye before they left?
Did they remember to say I love you?
Or were their final words on that average, everyday morning, a sharp exchange between parties as both rushed to get out the door?
I shudder at the thought, as I pull my 6 yr old a little closer to me on the sofa.
These questions haunt me. They keep me up at night.
And there are other questions too…
Where were you, God? Why let this happen? Why now? Why to them? Why to anyone?
So many questions.
But there is one that perhaps plagues me most- what now?
I too have known the searing pain of loss. I have tasted the bitter herbs of death.
I am familiar with the ache of never again getting to look upon the face of the child you love.
Or touch their soft tufts of hair. Or breathe in their sweet scent.
To never again feel the warmth of their skin against yours. Or hear their laughter pierce the quiet.
There is no groaning on earth like that of a parent whose own flesh and blood has met its end.
It’s inconceivable. Inconsolable.
Yes, I am familiar with loss. But what I am not familiar with- and can’t even fathom– is loss at the hands of hatred.
The tears steadily flow. And I am angry. I want answers. I want justice.
But more than anything, I want action.
I want love to rise.
I want love to reign.
I want love to evoke emotion. Not the kind that sits idly by, but the kind that stands up, steps in, reaches out, grabs hold, lifts up.
The kind that takes risks. The kind that rescues. The kind that demands attention, and won’t be quieted.
I long to see a people united by love. In love. For the sake of love.
I long to see a people united by love. In love. For the sake of love. #speaklove #givelove #belove #united Share on XLove is a verb. An action.
“For God SO loved the world, that He gave…” (John 3:16)
Love gives. It sacrifices.
It compels, motivates, and inspires.
It searches the world for the lost, the lonely, the hurting.
Love sees a need and it says, “let me fill it.“
If caged in- love will die.
It must be freed.
It must be given.
Knowing this then, let me ask you…
What can YOUR love give today?
Can it give a helping hand? A listening ear? A compassionate heart?
Can it forgive the offense? Extend grace? Show mercy?
How will love compel you?
Will it compel you to give of your time? Your money? Your support?
Perhaps of your vote? Your voice? Your influence?
The world lies in wait for a people who will rise up to the task.
The voices of the martyred cry out.
The chilling screams of our children beg to be heard.
The tears of the grief-struck mother asks, “if not now-WHEN?”
As hatred rises, love must rise above!
As hatred rises, love must rise above! #chooselove #loveisaverb #loveisbigger #loveneverfails Share on XFriends, who can you reach out to today?
Who do you know that could use a little love?
Ask Jesus. His answer might surprise you. You might be tempted to question His guidance.
We live in a disconnected world. A world that is flashy and fake, and loves to give us the edited version. You never know how the person next to you- the person closest to you– might be struggling.
Listen to the voice of love.
There is no better time than today.
The time is now. Not tomorrow.
Not when we are older, and more mature.
Not when we are more confident, and secure.
Not when we finally have it all together.
My hands ravage the pages of my turquoise leather bible. The one my son gifted me on Christmas day.
Page after page filled with promise. Words of life. Words of hope.
My eyes catch a glimpse of the radiant colors. Blues and greens, pinks and purples, orange and reds.
There, sketched on a page I had colored in not long ago, were the words,
“Love never fails.”(1 Corinthians 13:8)
It bears all things.
Believes all things.
Hopes all things.
Endures all things.
If we believe it, we must live like it.
Let love out.
Make it viral.
Lead by example.
Teach the world how to receive love, free love, speak love, show love, give love, master love.
Together– we rise.
Together– we conquer hate.
Together– we change the world.
In the end, #LOVEWINS
In the end, love wins! #loveneverfails #lovewins #givelove #belove Share on X
With all my love,
And now on to our featured posts!
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YES to EVERY word of this. LOVE is the answer and that means risk! Doing something, even when you’re afraid of the response. Thankyou for writing this.
Even if it means risk- yes!
this is the best spell caster i know He cast spells for different purposes like(1) If you want your ex back.
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(10) is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery
Contact him today on oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com
I was pondering this same question today. How do I respond to a world who wants action, justice and change? Thank you for the reminder that Love is an action word.
Reminding myself in the process! 🙂
What a beautiful article. It is so horrific how evil reigns on this earth. But I know we can still find hope in God. Like you said, love wins in the end. But until then, we can’t hold back loving everyone we come in contact with each day. Love truly changes people, even if we don’t see the results right away. Thanks for sharing your heart on this tough subject.
It truly does bring about change! I believe this with my whole heart! ❤️
I can’t imagine their grief. My heart breaks for them. May God show us how to love more completely! I’m praying for healing for the affected and protection over our schools.
Yes! Me too Kelly!
Amen. and Amen! I couldn’t have said it better. The time to love and reach beyond ourselves is NOW. Thanks for an inspiring post Rachel.
Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by, Char! 🙂
Love always wins.Jesus defeated death and so can we as believers, first by being a believer in case of the worst case, but start praying for our schools and work place. When Mark Barton, an Atlanta day trader went on a killing spree in the 90’s, I knew someone who attend school with his children, who he beat to death wit ha hammer. All you tell a child who ask why he did that is that he just didn’t know Jesus. We circled the school on a map and prayed. every time we drive by we just need to ask for angels to be there.
Prayer is powerful! May we never stop praying for our children.
This is a healthy way to look at such a heartbreaking problem. Sharing on Twitter and Pinterest, friend.
Thank you sarah! I appreciate you. 💕
My heart breaks when I think about the state of the world without Jesus in hearts. At the root of it is a hard heart fighting for something to fill it, and it is really love indeed. I am so thankful one day everything will be made right (as in the other half of the story) because Jesus died and rose, but we are still hoping and waiting for the glorious day he will come and get his family to be with him. Until then, we are called to keep sharing the love we carry.
This was my favorite line, probably because for two decades this was me: “We live in a disconnected world. A world that is flashy and fake, and loves to give us the edited version. You never know how the person next to you- the person closest to you– might be struggling.” I have been on both sides, the fake one who was hurting and the fake one who thought she was okay while other people hurt around me. Only Jesus can truly fill us, and his love really does not fail, amen!
Thank you for sharing your sentiments Meg! I am always on the lookout for those who look like they might be disconnected, and i make a point to invite them in. And I teach my children to do the same! It’s tricky, because we don’t always know who is suffering underneath a facade. But I believe there are certain signs we can look for, and asking jesus is the best way!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
What a gift that our heavy hearts are held by the strongest and most loving hands- the hands of the LOVE that never fails. Amen.
Yes! Amen to that!
Beautifully written!
Thank you Anne!
Yes, Rachel!
May we never become so callous that our hearts are immune to the pain of others. Thank you for saying all this so well.
Thank YOU for saying it so well! I love how you worded that, Michele!
Love is the key!
~Sherry Stahl
Beautiful post, Rachel. Turquoise bible, eh? 😉
You betcha, Susan! 😉
This post has brought tears to my eyes. My mamma’s heart also aches for the families of this tragedy. Thank you for your Spirit-filled words that encourage us to love like we truly mean it. Praise God for his unrelenting love that is stronger than the sting of the grave. Praise God that in the end, love WINS! Blessings to you and your family!
His unrelenting love is stronger than the sting of the grave! Yes!
Thank you for your kind words, Christin. My mama heart aches too. 🙁
Thank you for visiting today. Bless you! ❤️
Beautiful, Rachel. — It is so heartbreaking, isn’t it? I’ve thought a lot about those parents, too. And the siblings. So sad. Beautiful admonition to “put on love.” Thank you. ((hug))
Thanks Brenda. It is heartbreaking. 🙁
A friend of mine said, “Evil is unthinkably hard, but it never has the last word.” And that last word is LOVE! Such a perfect message.
Exactly right, Crystal! Thanks for the encouragement. Glad you’re back! 🙂
Very inspiring! Well written!
Love IS an action verb. May we all follow the leading of the Holy Spirit daily to love all of those whom He brings to mind or brings across our path. He is great; may we dwell in Him and walk forth in His greatness.
Yes and Amen, Ruth!!! <3
So good to read these words today. Thank you for directing us to what overcomes all evil- love. It was God’s Love that conquered sin and death through Jesus and it will be by love that we prevail in this world we live in. So encouraged as you remind us that love wins in the end. ☺️💕 well done!
Amen!!! Thanks for visiting, Gretchen!
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this is the best spell caster i know He cast spells for different purposes like
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dream
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(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(10) is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery
Contact him today on oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com