A few weeks ago I attended a women’s bible study. As we discussed the fruit of the spirit, “goodness,” we dove into the scriptures. One of them being, Psalm 23:5
“He will prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:5)
As we chewed on this passage of scripture, there was a particular phrase that stood out to me. Actually, it reached out and grabbed me by the gut, is more like it.
“He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.”
That part is worth repeating!
“He prepares a table for me IN THE PRESENCE OF my enemies.”
Catch that? In the presence of. Not in the absence of.
That immediately caught my attention, and I took it home and meditated on it for days.
Chewed on it.
Wrestled with it.
I’ve been walking with God long enough to know that when the Holy Spirit causes a piece of scripture to jump off the page, there is something more that He wants me to see; to take notice of.
A fresh revelation He longs to impart.
As I prayed about this, I suddenly imagined my husband making his way home from a long and stressful day at work.
He is tired. He is hungry. He is worn.
He enters the house, still carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. The stress of work. The worry of finances. The hurtful remark his coworker made in jest. The pain in his lower back from the long commute home.
Now imagine me, his wife, lovingly preparing a table for him. A feast of his favorite foods.
I thoughtfully work to create a sanctuary that he can return home to; where he can unwind.
The house is clean. The children are hushed. Warm music plays in the background. The table is aglow with soft candlelight. The delightful aroma of a home-cooked meal fills the air.
And I await him with a warm smile and open arms.
He sits down across from me at the table. The table that I prepared especially with him in mind.
In that moment, the cares of the world disappear. His shoulders relax. He exhales.
It is just him and I. Lost in each other’s eyes.
Now imagine this same scene, only with Father God in mind. It is He who steadily and thoughtfully works to prepare a table for YOU.
He whispers, “Come. Sit with me. Dine with me. Talk with me. Abide with me.”
“Tell me about your day. What’s on your mind?”
“Let us feast. Let me fill you and satisfy you with the finest things.”
As we dine, I imagine satan and his brood of vipers, lying in wait.
Ready to devour.
But God takes little notice.
As if to mock him, He casually brings out the table, “ehem, excuse me satan. I’m working here.”
He brushes the horde aside, sets the table down in their midst, causing them to take a back seat, and He goes about delightfully preparing a table. Without a care in the world.
And WE are the guest of honor!
Isn’t it interesting that God chooses not to dismiss our enemies beforehand?
He doesn’t tell them to go?
The fact is He doesn’t need to.
When our attention is given to the One who sets our soul afire, there is no reason to send our enemies packing.
As we continue to abide in this place with our first love, our enemies grow weary of waiting for our attention, and eventually, they flee on their own. There is no need to cause a scene. They can threaten, taunt, jeer and bully. It doesn’t matter. Our allegiance is with the Lord Almighty. Our loyalties lie with Him.
What’s important is that we learn to dwell.
Shift our focus, and feast on the goodness of God, in the presence of our enemies. While they look on.
So often it is me, myself and I who does not see what God is doing right in front of me. #doyouhaveeyestosee #godisatwork Share on X
I fail to see the ways He is providing. The ways He is nurturing. The ways He is thoughtfully preparing my favorite things; the things that will bring me the most joy.
He personally hand-picks the choicest delicacies for me to devour. He prepares the finest china, chooses the most beautiful settings, and thoughtfully dishes up a royal spread.
For my pleasure.
This is the ultimate display of favor!
How it must anger satan when our focus shifts from that of our enemies, to that of the Lord.
From what the enemy intends, to what God is already doing.
Though we may indeed be surrounded, God is in our midst, preparing a feast for us.
A feast of abundance. Of grace. Of provision. Of presence.
Our servings are not meager, but bountiful.
He serves up the largest portion. We lack no good thing. Our cup overflows.
The Lord tends to our very real needs by nourishing us. He alone is our sustenance.
What an awesome thought to know that God, so thoughtfully, prepares a feast for us to partake of.
A feast in our honor. In the place of highest favor.
And our enemies…..
What enemies??
I have never heard this passage of Scripture explained quite like you have done here. I think focusing on God and what He is doing in, for, and around us is very important. I am not an expert at this, but I will keep at it until I master it ;). Where we place our focus will actually determine whether or not we enjoy the wonderful table the Lord has prepared for us. I’d much rather keep my focus on the Lord.
Juanita, I am no expert at this yet either. But I am a girl on my way! Wouldn’t it be nice if there were far less distractions vying for our attention? I’m with you- I’d much rather keep my focus on the Lord! 🙂
Much love <3
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Oh wow! I really love the imagery here. That particular scripture has been one that I’ve held close to heart for the past two years, and reading this added a new dimension to what it could mean for us. I love the analogy you used of you preparing a meal for your husband amidst his worries and cares. It’s so special to think that God is doing the same for us. So lovingly.
He really is such a good God. <3
Joanna, Yes, He really IS so good! I love how this piece of scripture really came alive to me! It has given me fresh new perspective.
Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. 🙂
Blessings to you!
Great reflection Rachel Lee! I love how you describe the table scene. Beautiful words to live by…God is always preparing a place for us at His table! Thank you for sharing today.
Thank you for the kind words, Robin. Yes, He is! He is so faithful and so good!
Thanks for stopping by. 😉
Good food for thought and I love the free Thanksgiving Bundle. Well done Rachel and Laney!
Thank you! I love the printables too, and plan to use them myself! 😉
This is so great, Rachel. I love the scene you describe, and how God invites us to his prepared table even though our enemies are near. I think he likes to show off his love for us. Thanks so much for visiting my blog today, by the way! Glad to be your neighbor at Salt & Light.
Laura, YES! I think He does enjoy showing off His love for us! I didn’t think of it that way, but I LOVE that! 🙂
Thanks for stopping over! <3
Rachel, I couldn’t love this more. What a sweet insight the Lord gave you; thank you for sharing it with us. I’ve never considered that verse in quite that way before. Love it. Thank you. 🙂 ((Hug))
Thank you for your kind words, Brenda! I love it when God gives us fresh revelation on a particular scripture that we’ve read many times before. It just makes the Word come alive all the more!
Thanks for visiting today! 🙂
Your graphics and writing are so beautiful, Rachel! Happy to be a new subscriber!
Thank you, Sarah! This coming from YOU- means a lot! Your writing is so inspiring.
I’m honored to have you. <3
I have not read that Psalm yet so this passage is new to me. I had trouble understanding what that meant but your explanation was perfect. What a good way to show Satan he means nothing than to not even trouble ourselves to get rid of him but let him get so bored of us ignoring him that he leaves on his own.
Like other who have posted here, I have not read Psalm 23:5 in this way before but it is spot on.
Sometimes we get busy or feel surrounded by our enemies and we forget that God is still there preparing a table for us. Thank you for this beautiful reminder today! I know it has blessed me.
Wonderful way to creatively put this. You painted a picture for me and it was lovely and makes me ponder more!
Thanks Meghan! 🙂
I wanted to comment on the one thing that stuck out to me, but everything resonated. Beautiful post. The conversation cards will be a lovely way to get to know the new members of our Life Group we’re inviting for Thanksgiving dinner, none of whom know one another. Thank you.
Thank you, Debbie! Oooh…I LOVE that! What a neat idea to have the members of your Life Group over for Thanksgiving, as a way to get to know one another! Hospitality in action- love it! I hope the cards prove to be a useful tool for you. I will be using them myself. 😉
I really love how you dissected this scripture and pulled out deep and personal meaning. Really got me thinking. Thank you!
Thanks Sarah! <3
Rachel, I’m so glad to find you. This post is so thought provoking. I have never considered this point of view for this passage. It’s powerful! Thanks for sharing. Keep writing girl!!
Thank you Char! What an awesome privilege to have stumbled across your little corner of the web, this morning! <3
I appreciate your encouragement!
I love the picture that you painted from Scriptures that most of us are so familiar with! What a difference when we really let the Lord unfold the full passage to us! May I truly sit in His Presence, feasting with Him. I am blessed to be your neighbor over at #TeaAndWord this week.
Thank you, Bettie! I agree- when we take the time to let God speak to us about His Word, it makes all the difference in the world!
Thanks for stopping by today! 🙂
When we keep our focus on Him, even in the midst of the enemy, we are satisfied at His table. I love how you described how the enemies will just get tired of waiting, because we’ll not be giving them our attention. May God help us to keep ever focused on Him!
Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #Glimpses.
Yes! Keep our eyes focused on you, Lord!
Thanks for stopping by, Gayl. 🙂
This is an awesome post, eye-opening. But as you were describing the dinner and your husband sitting down with you, I was thinking of a husband who could be the enemy, not appreciating the meal as much as your husband did. There are Christian wives with husbands who are not believers (that was me at one time.) But those wives still have to make the meals as if Christ was the guest. Thnks for your insight. #womantowomanministries
Interesting point of view! Didn’t think of it quite like that, but I can certainly understand where you are coming from. That would be difficult, for sure.
Thanks for visiting today! 🙂
I love that verse too. It reminds me that if we are ‘fed’ by our Father, then we can be ‘well-nourished’ no matter who is sitting beside us. Thanks for the post!
Yes! I love the way you worded that, Karen! 🙂
Thanks for linking up at LLM, Hope to see you next week.
Have a great day,
Thanks for the link up, Connie! Will see you this week. 😉
Rachel, I love posts that take me beyond the words to think more deeply. I’m sure there will be so many things we won’t fully understand in breadth until we stand before our God, but the word picture you have created here is enough to chase away any fear of our enemy. So enjoyed this!
Thank you Crystal! I so appreciate your kindness. So many questions…I love it when God gives us even the slightest glimpse of revelation!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
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