“Perspective adds a breath of fresh air to the otherwise suffocating demands of life.”
— Charles R. Swindoll
Perspective is the difference between viewing the glass as half empty or half full.
It is the difference between merely seeing and truly believing.
The difference between complaining about our circumstances, and being grateful despite them.
Perspective can make or break us.
One by one our family took turns praying out our requests to God before bed.
Each family member reiterating the prayer of the last.
“Lord, we are tired of the rain and the cold. Please give us some sunshine to enjoy.”
One right after another. The same prayer uttered through exasperated whispers, (including myself).
That is until it was my son’s turn.
“Lord, thank you for the rain because it is what helps the flowers to bloom and the trees to grow.”
Uh, did he really just say that?! Mind blown!
And through the whispered prayer of a 9 yr old boy- God spoke.
The Choice is Ours
Although we may not have control over our circumstances, (or weather), we DO have control over our attitude.
We can choose to view life through the lens of lack- the idea that God is holding out on us.
Or we can choose to view life through the lens of faith- knowing that God has our best in mind.
What we choose will determine our attitude, and very often, our actions.
It’s important for us to remember that God ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
On the contrary, HIS way is often the path of the unlikely.
- By way of the desert.
- Through the middle of the sea.
- In the belly of a whale.
- In the womb of a virgin.
- On top of the waves.
- Nailed to a cross.
If left to us, we would contend for the path of least resistance. Sunshine and butterflies.
But that’s not usually where character is developed. And as my son so eloquently stated, it takes rain to produce growth.
Why Perspective Matters
A heavenly perspective expands our horizons, and enables us to fight the good fight of faith, even when our circumstances are less than ideal.
Perspective is what gave David the courage to fight Goliath.
“You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head.” (1 Samuel 17:45-46)
Perspective is what gave Paul the confidence to preach boldly.
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Perspective is what enabled Jesus to endure the suffering of the cross.
He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. (Luke 24:46-47)
I wonder- what might a change in perspective enable me to face head on through eyes of faith?
- That pesky closed door- perhaps a blessing in disguise.
- The third pile of laundry to fold- at least we have clothes to wear.
- The positive test results- thank goodness we caught it early!
- The sleepless nights of rocking a restless newborn- a mother’s longing fulfilled.
- That flat tire in the driveway- God’s protection from an impending car accident.
Perspective Empowers Us
Perspective removes the fog from our lenses- enabling us to see with vital clarity and spiritual eyes- what others cannot.
Remember the story of Elisha?
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:15-17)
Elisha was confident of his success because God had given him a heavenly perspective that the others had lacked.
Isn’t it interesting that the antonym for the word, perspective, is blindness!
Where have we been walking in blindness?
In what area does our perspective need a spiritual shift?
Do We Trust God’s Best?
I am reminded of a series of events, not so long ago, that left me in a state of shock and utter confusion.
During a time in my life when things appeared to be going so well, I suddenly had the wind knocked out from underneath me. And I succumbed to feelings of discouragement and hopelessness.
Failing to see what God was doing behind the scenes, I allowed my circumstances to determine my attitude- instead of the other way around.
That season of walking through the fog was difficult at best, but had I chosen to ask God for His perspective, He might have shown me a glimpse of what was to come.
I can see now where He had my best interest at heart the whole time!
Making the Shift
“We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!” (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Our perspective effects the way we view all of life:
- Our past- with understanding
- Our present- with contentment.
- Our future- with hope.
Seeing life through God’s perspective helps us to understand that what the enemy intended for evil, God meant for good! (Genesis 50:20)
Today, instead of complaining over our circumstances, why not attempt to view our circumstances through the scope of God’s lens?
Why not choose an attitude of gratitude despite our circumstances.
God, help us to view all of life- the hard and the lovely- through the lens of faith today. May we be reminded of your promise to give us a life brimming with purpose and joy. When we are tempted to complain over the trials we face in our everyday, help us to return to your Word for a shift in perspective. Thank you that you ALWAYS have our best interest in mind, and that with you, all things are possible to those who believe. Amen.
And now for our featured writer!
Meet Joy Williams!
Quote Love:
“Because He loves us, God longs to carry the burden of what we’re longing for.”
“His wisdom accounts for past, present and future factors. His love doesn’t want us to settle for less than His glory.”
“Because eventually settling, becomes unsettling.”
~Joy Williams
Joy’s beautifully written article inspired me to contemplate the areas in my life that need to be surrendered into God’s loving hands. Are there areas in your life that perhaps should be let go of too?
I hope you’ll find encouragement as you read Joy’s timely words today. And be sure to send her some love, while you’re there!
Thank you for sharing with us Joy! Feel free to grab the “featured” button here, if you so choose.
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the way of the unlikely! profoundly true. how do you think of these things with all that rain and those wonderful children?? I hope you are teaching at your church! pinned.
The rain- though gloomy- serves as a good accountability partner. It keeps me grounded to the home, where i can do my studying and writing. Its when the sun comes out- if ever- that I find myself easily distracted, and wanting to “play” instead! Lol
Rachel, I’m so glad to read this post with your wise words about the intentional shift of perspective.
This has saved my life more times than I can count. God stands ready to help us in that act of the will–in fact, I’m pretty sure He usually meets me more than half way!
Thank you Michele. I seem to need this reminder more often than I’d like!
Such a great reminder! How often do I complain about something instead of thanking God for it? Way too often! This was convicting and encouraging!
Me too Emily. Me too…
Perspective makes such a huge difference!!
It certainly does!!
You are such a good writer, Rachel. Love your “perspective” on perspective. 🙂 Such truth. Thanks for sharing, and congrats again for winning the goodies on my site this week! xoxo
Thank you , Brenda! Love the play on words.;) I’m honored and excited to receive my goodies!!
I absolutely love this about perspective! Wow! I need to take a step back sometimes to get the better perspective at times. This is such a great reminder, Rachel. Thanks!
pinned and scheduled on my FB page too.
Thanks Cindy! I so appreciate your encouragement! I need to shift my perspective just as much as the next! 🙂
Good stuff Rachel! I love your insight on how God’s way is often the path to the unlikely, instead of the path of least resistance. I needed that today. ALSO, thank you for featuring my post here at #DestinationInspiration! Blessings to you!
Perspective does change everything! I love this post, and I find I am usually the glass is full type person. Just today, I was talking with my husband and I mentioned David’s perspective of Goliath and how it changed the course of a nation. Thanks for hosting 🙂
PS> I hope you will come link your post and linkup today over at my place and #TuneInThursday 🙂
What great “perspective”! Thank you for an inspired piece. laurensparks.net
Blessings to you! 🙂
Perspective makes such a difference. Sometimes I need to step back to gain perspective. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Link-Up. I just realized you host a link up too. I added my post this week and your site to my link-up page. I look forward to linking up on your site. Thank you!
Amen, Rachel! Our perspective changes everything! I’ve been having conversations around this topic with one of my teens. He’s learning life has lots of negative for us to look at and the effects are not joy-filled living. Instead, I’m praying God will give him eyes to see the good in every moment.
Thank you for another powerful post!
Blessings and smiles,
I loved this post! Perspective is so important and I love how that point was reeiterated with the prayers of your child! Christ-like perspective allows us to become the children of God that he has planned for us to become! Thanks for sharing!
I’m a huge proponent of “perspective “ and how powerfully God can use it in our lives and that’s why I love this post so much. Learning more of the way God’s perspective can differ from mine and the advantages of His over mine were life changing for me. Great job Rachel!
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